Rock13.com Old News
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- I am considering a blog to integrate with portions of Rock13. If you have a suggestion, written in Perl, send feedback.
- I just switched to a new server, please bear with me if anything got mixed up in the process.
- Posted some photos from a wrestling event. More are on the way.
- I'm still working on a new feedback form. It'll go in my Webhelp section when it's done.
- Everything is working now except for the feedback form.
- Some pieces of Rock13.com are currently broken. I had to switch servers recently, and I'm working to get it all back running smoothly. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- I graduated in May with an A.S. - now I'm in job search mode.
- I did indeed, buy a digital camera a short time ago - and some content centering around it is forthcoming.
- The semester is winding down so I should be able to get some updates done on Rock13.com
- Recently went to a couple WWE shows, I'll upload some photos eventually.
- Considering buying a good digital camera, if I get any good with it I'll probably add some resources and galleries.
- OK, I'm making a late New Year's resolution to get Rock13.com updated.
- For anyone interested, I'm working on a degree in information science along with some industry certifications.
- Over the past few months I have made a few changes around Rock13.com, nothing serious but I'm starting to shift the main focus of the site away from the fan pages.
- Haven't had much time online lately, and a good bit of that has been over at the Open Directory Project.
- I'm tossing around some rather drastic changes to the content and style of Rock13. I'll keep ya posted. (Chances are nothing will actually disappear, just get stashed away in an archive somewhere.)
- On the more technical side I'm fine tuning the style sheet (add some alternates some time) and working with the link elemets for some better navigation (when it's supported).
- A new, much updated, version of my Perl CGI guestbook,
, is on its way.
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