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What's New at Rock13.com
Long time, no updates. :( Just realized something changed on my web hosting that broke a number of pages here, so did a few little updates.
- Visit lfnikita.com the new home of my La Femme Nikita site.
- Planning to put a blog here soon, or maybe somewhere else, and more frequent updates on my interests.
- While I've used various Windows and Linux machines over the years, I am preparing to check out a Macintosh in the near future.
- I've been spending some time back in Usenet again (I was then, not so much now in 2010).
- The site search is now updated nightly.
- My photography site is up: robmcaninch.com
- I am in the process of building my Photography site. Somewhere between the two sites I'll be posting some resources on Digital Photography.
- I'm still working on some fresh content for Rock13, but paying projects tend to take priority.
[Old News]
Rock13.com is my canvas on the web. The content ranges from information about some of my favorite TV shows, hobbies, web design, perl, and other interests. Some sections have pretty much stopped growing, and others have had false starts, but Rock13.com will always be my personal site where you will see pretty much whatever I feel like putting here.
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